This Technical Report, "Deflection: The Pipe/Soil Mechanism," details design procedures for predicting long-term deflection of buried PVC pipe.
This Technical Report, "Maintenance of PVC Sewer Pipe," provides details on PVC's ease of maintenance. It summarizes information gathered from system managers and maintenance personnel. Supporting data in the report was obtained from field evaluations and laboratory research.
A Technical Report entitled, "The Effects of Ultraviolet Radiation on PVC Pipe," summarizing a two- year study on the matter. The report mentions the effects of sunlight on tensile strength, modulus, and impact strength.
Guide for PVC sewer force mains uses recently developed method for cyclic-fatigue design.
Recent hydraulic research on new and in-service PVC pipe has confirmed that industry-recommended flow coefficients are conservative for design of pressure and non-pressure pipes.
This technical report examines head loss and pumping costs over 100-years for PVC and ductile iron pipe.
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