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Welcome to the PVC Pipe Association's online webinar training series. Our webinars offer educational and informative workshops on an on-going basis to support the use of PVC piping in water and wastewater systems. Webinars include examples of how PVC pipe has benefited utilities across North America.
We also provide customized webinars on the design, specification and installation of PVC pipe for water and sewer projects. Let us know if you would like us to organize a webinar for your organization by emailing info@unibell.org.
*Note for PVC Pipe Association webinars offering Professional Development Hours (PDHs): Continuing education requirements for professional engineering licenses may differ from state to state. The final authority to approve PDHs, courses and credits and other ways to earn credits rests with each state licensing board. Individuals are advised to contact their respective state licensing boards regarding their continuing education requirements for professional engineering licensure.
Ideal para Ingenieros en Servicios de Agua y Alcantarillado, Contratistas, Inspectores, Consultores de Ingeniería y Desarrolladores
Este webinar de capacitación presentado por la Asociación de Tubería de PVC (PVCPA), proporcionará información actualizada sobre prácticas de instalación de tubería y conexiones de PVC con empaque para agua y alcantarillado sanitario, así como también para responder preguntas frecuentes. Una tubería instalada apropiadamente asegura su mejor desempeño y maximiza su vida útil en la infraestructura subterránea.
Todos los participantes recibirán una copia GRATIS de Contractor's Guide for Installation of Gasketed PVC Pipe (Guía del Contratista para la Instalación de Tubería de PVC con Empaque)
El libro de referencia para este seminario educativo es el nuevo Contractor's Guide (Guía del Contratista), que es la publicación con autoridad más detallada para la instalación de tubería y conexiones de PVC con juntas de empaque. A quien se registre al Webinar se le enviará una copia GRATUITA por correo. La guía escrita y patrocinada por PVCPA, viene con tablas y figuras prácticas que ayudan a usuarios ser más efectivos y eficientes en la instalación de sistemas de tubería de PVC, reduciendo problemas potenciales en la tubería y ayudando a asegurar el desempeño óptimo del sistema. También puede servir como un documento de referencia previo al inicio de un proyecto de tubería.
Recomendado para Contratistas Locales de Instalación de Tubería Subterránea
Es altamente recomendable que contratistas locales en instalación de tubería para agua y alcantarillado participen en este seminario de capacitación. Se invita a los Servicios Públicos Municipales a reenviar este correo a sus contratistas locales de tubería subterránea para que se registren. Esta guía también es útil para cuadrillas de servicios involucradas en la instalación y/o mantenimiento de sistemas de PVC para agua o alcantarillado. El formato de uso fácil "libro reversible" proporciona dos valiosas guías en una, y dan a los lectores acceso a la información que buscan rápidamente.
Este webinar de 60-minutos cubrirá los siguientes temas:
Para conocer los antecedentes de la información, por favor visite los siguientes enlaces:
Se ofrece precio de grupo para equipos de 10 o más personas. Por favor, comuníquese con info@unibell.org para más información.
Date: Wednesday, September 25, 2024 Time: 12:30 PM - 01:30 PM Central Standard Time PDHs: 1 Price: $149.00
Ideal for Water and Sewer Utility Engineers, Contractors, Inspectors, Engineering Consultants and Developers
This training webinar by PVC Pipe Association (PVCPA) staff will provide the most up-to-date information available on installation practices for gasketed PVC water and sewer pipes and fittings as well as answer frequently asked questions. Properly installed pipelines ensure best performance and maximum design life for underground infrastructure.
All Participants Receive a FREE Copy of the Contractor's Guide for Installation of Gasketed PVC Pipe
The reference book for this educational seminar is the new Contractor's Guide, which is the most concise, authoritative publication available for the installation of gasketed-joint PVC pipes and fittings. Webinar registrants will be mailed a FREE copy. Written and sponsored by PVCPA, the guide comes complete with practical tables and figures that helps users to be more effective and efficient at installing PVC piping systems, reducing potential pipeline problems and helping to ensure optimum system performance. It can also serve as a reference document prior to undertaking a pipeline project.
Recommended for Local Underground Pipeline Installation Contractors
It is highly recommended that local water and sewer pipe installation contractors participate in this training seminar. Utilities are encouraged to forward this email to their local underground pipeline contractors and have them register. The guide is also useful to utility crews involved in installation or maintenance of PVC water or sewer systems. The easy-to-use, "reversible book" format provides two valuable guides in one and assists readers to quickly access the information they are seeking.
The 60-minute webinar will cover the following topics:
To view the background information, please click on the following links:
Group pricing is available for teams of 10 or more. Please reach out to info@unibell.org for more information.
Date: Wednesday, September 25, 2024 Time: 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM Central Standard Time PDHs: 1 Price: $149.00
Ideal for Sewer Utility Engineers, Installation and Maintenance Staff, Consulting Engineers, and Contractors
Welcome to the PVC Pipe Association’s (PVCPA) municipal case study series, featuring leading utility and waterworks experts presenting on important topics. The fourth webinar in our series will examine case studies where large diameter PVC pipe was chosen for sewer interceptors and discuss the unique engineering design, construction challenges, and project constraints that made PVC the material of choice. PVC is the predominant material used for small diameter sanitary sewers in North America. However, in large diameter applications, PVC and other materials are also considered. In recent years, owing to its proven performance and resistance to hydrogen sulfide corrosion, use of large diameter PVC sewer pipe has grown. Cathy Morley, P.E., Senior Project Manager at RJN Group, Inc., will lead the discussion with a presentation on the selection process involved in the replacement of a 24-inch sewer main and installation-related challenges associated with route alignment, existing conditions, and congested areas. Randy Brodner, P.E., Vice President of RJN Group, will follow with a case study covering the inspection and assessment of a prematurely failed 30- to 36-inch sewer interceptor, the decisions that led to the use of PVC, and the installation challenges involved with high-water table site conditions. Both Cathy and Randy have extensive experience in the design of complex sanitary sewer projects for both new construction and rehabilitation. The webinar will also include a brief review by PVCPA Regional Engineer Jay Parvez, P.E. of the material property considerations for large-diameter PVC sewer pipe, including corrosion resistance, external load capability, and longevity. Attendees will be familiar with PVCPA’s third-party studies and resources on design and flexible pipe-soil interactions. This two-part, one-hour webinar will cover the following topics:
Part 1 – Choosing the Right Material for Sanitary Sewer Interceptors
Part 2 – Material Properties for PVC Sewer Pipe
Featured Presenters: Cathy Morley, P.E., is Senior Project Manager at RJN Group, Inc., and has over 35 years of experience in municipal engineering in the U.S. and internationally. She has extensive experience in the design of complex sanitary sewer projects for both new construction and rehabilitation. She has written articles for Trenchless Technology Magazine, and presented at NASTT’s No-Dig, WEF Collections, and ASCE Pipelines conferences. Randy Brodner, P.E., is Vice President of RJN Group, Inc., and has been delivering engineering solutions to municipal utilities for over 17 years and has completed over 200 projects, encompassing condition assessment analysis, engineering design, and construction management for both rehabilitation and new construction within wastewater collection systems. Randy's portfolio includes existing pipe condition assessments, comprehensive data analysis, design alternatives analysis, and project expense forecasting for both small- and large-diameter pipes. To view the background information for this webinar, please click on the following links:
Date: Wednesday, October 9, 2024 Time: 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM Central Standard Time PDHs: 1 Price: $149.00
Ideal for Water and Sewer Utilities, and Consulting Engineers This webinar will discuss hydraulic research data from the 1960s and 1970s that established key flow factors for PVC pipe design: a Hazen-Williams (HW) “C” factor of 150 for pressure pipes and a Manning’s “n” number of 0.009 for non-pressure pipes. As well, new laboratory and field testing by Utah Water Research Laboratory (UWRL) will be reviewed that confirms the coefficients for PVC are conservative. Design engineers will be shown that there is no need to use a higher-friction PVC coefficient when designing PVC piping systems. Testing shows that even with varying flow rates and prolonged use, the HW “C” factor remains above 150 and the Manning’s “n” stays below 0.009 for PVC pipe. The use of higher-friction coefficients results in engineering designs that are not consistent with previous or current findings of PVC pipe’s hydraulic attributes and may add unnecessary project and operational costs. Hydraulic comparisons with other water and sewer pipe materials will be provided. The webinar will also address claims made by the Ductile Iron Pipe Research Association (DIPRA) suggesting that ductile iron (DI) pipe has a better hydraulic performance than PVC. DIPRA maintains that DI’s larger inside diameters (ID) offset PVC’s better flow characteristics. To support this contention, DIPRA’s brochures and on-line calculator use inaccurate hydraulic assumptions and product information, resulting in incorrect conclusions. When industry-accepted data are used, however, PVC pipe is shown to be more efficient, cost effective, and sustainable than DI pipe. Another questionable assumption is that the flow coefficient (the Hazen-Williams coefficient or “C” factor) for DI pipe remains constant over time (140 for DIPRA’s example). This is contrary to accepted hydraulic theory and pump design which acknowledge a deteriorating flow coefficient over time for pipe materials like DI pipe that use cement-mortar lining. An accurate analysis should include an overall decline in the “C” factor for DI pipe as it ages. This 60-minute webinar will cover the following topics:
To view the background information for this webinar, please see the following links:
Date: Wednesday, October 16, 2024 Time: 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM Central Standard Time PDHs: 1 Price: $149.00
Attention: Utility Operators, Utility & Consulting Engineers, Municipal Asset Management & Financial Professionals
Presenter: Professor Steven L. Barfuss, P.E., Utah State University Get the latest information on water main breaks in the US and Canada and find out why this report is a useful asset management, pipe renewal, and pipe replacement tool for water utilities. A survey was recently conducted by Utah State University (USU) under the direction of Steven L. Barfuss, Research Professor. This webinar provides a summary of the results. According to Professor Barfuss, P.E., one of the most important indicators for identifying failing pipelines is water main break rates. The study shows that pipe performance continues to be impacted by soil corrosivity, and the replacement of asbestos cement and cast iron pipe is creating a shift in predominant pipe materials. USU published similar studies in 2012 and 2018. The 2023 report references the previous studies to analyze changes over time. A total of 802 utilities responded to the 2023 USU survey with almost 400,000 miles of pipe data analyzed, representing 30% of the population and 17.1 % of the estimated 2.3 million miles of water mains in the US and Canada, making this study the most comprehensive undertaken to date. In addition to break rates of different pipe materials, the seminar will present other data that will be of interest to everyone involved in water distribution systems. All webinar participants will receive a free hard copy of the 2023 USU report. Click here to download.
A Resource for Water Utilities in Asset-Management Planning, Pipeline Renewal, and Pipe Replacement
This one-hour webinar will discuss:
To view the background information for this webinar, please review the following:
Date: Wednesday, October 30, 2024 Time: 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM Central Standard Time PDHs: 1 Price: $149.00
Ideal for Water and Sewer Utilities, Consulting Engineers, and Contractors PVC Pipe Association (PVCPA) staff will discuss the history, manufacturing, design, and installation of molecularly oriented polyvinyl chloride (PVCO) pipe. PVCO has been used in the US and Canada for more than 40 years, with over 20,000 miles installed. As acceptance of PVCO pipe has grown and its use increased in distribution, transmission, and force main applications, the need for concise design information has become more important. To maximize performance and achieve its expected service life, a pipe material must be specified and designed properly. This webinar will provide attendees with the most up-to date information on PVCO pipe to assist design engineers in creating proper specifications and plans for contractors. PVCPA engineers will also review PVCO’s material properties, design methodologies, installation requirements, and long-term performance. Comparative information on PVCO and ductile iron pressure pipe will be provided which users of both products will find helpful and will assist utilities in making more informed decisions for their projects. The 60-minute webinar will cover the following topics:
To view background information for this webinar, please click on the following links:
?Group pricing is available for teams of 10 or more. Please reach out to info@unibell.org for more information.
Date: Wednesday, November 13, 2024 Time: 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM Central Standard Time PDHs: 1 Price: $149.00
Installation & Operation
Additional Resources